Summary: Become the world’s first superpower and command the most incredible and vast war machine of the Ancient world. Dominate the enemies of your glorious empire by military, economic and political means.
Your ascendency will yield admiration from your followers but will also attract greed and jeaealousy, even from your closest allies. Will betrayal strike you down, or will you be the first to turn on old friends? How much are you ready to sacrifice for your vision of Rome? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Dictator — as Emperor? Total War: Rome 2.
Fantastic graphics on high end gaming rigs
The best battles of the series
The best strategy layer of the series
Addictive, fun, accessible
AI is terrible on the strategy layer (Bugged?) It runs its cities into the ground and splits its units into lots of tiny stacks. I'm playing on normal and haven't tried the higher difficulties yet.
AI is poor on the battlefield. I don't mind this so much because I'm not very good and I enjoy having the opportunity to out manoeuvre someone.
Battle graphics are worse than recent games in the series on low-mid PCs. But at least the game works smoothly and very playable on the lowest specs.
Overall the pros outweigh the cons to such an extreme degree that I have no hesitation giving this 9/10 and would go to 10/10 if they can improve the AI's strategy efforts.
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